Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The safety net of Consistent Logic

It was reproted that during the Afgan war, when the Russians invaded Afganistan, there was strong support from Cuba and Iran. When told that if the same logic applies, then America could also invade Cuba!. The Cubans were very angry at the comparison but the logic could not be denied, and surpasses the cultural, and religious barriers,

Thinking about homosexuality - if the church says that it is a sin against the Jewish laws, then aren't we also sinning by not adhering to the other laws therein. For example, working on Sunday would be a sin. If it was so great a sin, why was it not in the 10 commandments?

The law also applies to actions with no mitigation of the context or the motives. ie it is a sin because it involves the same sex even though the motivation may be religious in nature done by straight men. If it applies unilaterry then the church must also stone and put to death the divorsee, and the women who does not cover their head at church.

Many Christians are extremely mad because the logic could not be denied (therefore red herrings such as pro-family, and defence of marriage is used). Instead of being mad, we should be humble and a contrite heart that we may be blameless before God and men and our actions be with much grace lest we ourselves come under judgement.

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