Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Maybe we bash up gays to show that we or our family members are not gay.
Therefore, the most anti-gay church would have the highest percentage
of gay religious people trying to deny that they are gays. (I could never understand why
the churches that have most gays are the most law minded ones in Queenstown)

Why did the pharisees hated Jesus so much? maybe to show that they
can make it to heaven themselves and needed no saviour. The Pharisees did not bring gays to Jesus? i wonder why? since we would have dragged a gay queen to the feet of Jesus!
Perhaps, they knew that Jesus was so full of grace and truth and that the homosexuals
did nothing wrong and that the prostitutes far easier to find. (Try to find a gay den in Singapore
in Geylang!)

Why did they bring the woman adulterous to Jesus but not the men? But Jesus knew it was a trap yet showed so much grace and mercy, when He could have defended
Himself and agree with them to stone the prostitute. But that would
have destoyed Jesus' credibility and support amongst those that
He based His ministry on.

I am afraid, what would happen if the church entered deeper into grace, we have stepped
in just, clinging still to the law, which we have to one day let go as we have a lot of work
to do - that the water may reach to our knees, then to our shoulders, and finally to swim in it.
For too much grace scares me, as it may mean a Gospel revolution and living by faith.

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