Sunday, May 17, 2009

How come Law based christians are after gays?

Realised that they have not got much choice.
Once, they have made the decision long time ago, that
homosexuality was a sin as per the law, and started on a road to condemn and
persecute gays, you can't turn back even if there is very strong doubt
on the bible interpretation in this dispensation of grace.

So they start covering up, making stories of a gay aggenda,
and I think really believed in it themselves. More stories
are made up about gays destroying families and against marriage.
We are pictured as the protectors of the family.

The road is too far down because any admission to being
wrong on this issue, is admitting to coming under
judgement by God under the law.

That is why Grace is the power to change from our sinful ways,
because it offers forgiveness, yesterday, today and tommorow.
The law of judgement binds you in, and convicts you of sin,
rather than liberate us.

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