We live in the difference phases of the move of God. In 1517,
it was the Salvation by Faith alone, in 1904, the Azuza Street revival,
where the Holy Spirit fell on people, and now from the year 2000, we see a move of
the supremacy of grace versus law. All this are nothing new, we see it in the Gospels and
the book of Acts:-
Jesus Death - Salvaton by Faith
Holy Spirit at the Upper room - Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Extending grace to gentiles - Peter ministry to Cornelius
These are waves and phases of the move of God. Some churches are left
behind - eg many still do not believe in the speaking of tongues,
for some salvation is through outher intermediaries such as the saints,
and for others we are still very much bound by the Jewish Law. Churches
are formed because the existing structure, the wine skin, could not
hold the new wine, or the new move of God.
What we are seeing in Churches such as New Creation, is
like the Church in Antioch, which was a mixed church, where
they had gentiles, and God fearers, and begin to battle against the
judaist who insisted that Christians must also abide by the Jewish laws.
The 1st, 2nd and third missionarry trips of Paul was
plagued by Judaist who raised up a mob to cause problem. Paul
ministered primarily to the synagogues where the Jews and the gentile God fearers
would meet. It's all a repeat show. Therefore, Pastor Joseph Prince
is very much like a modern day St. Paul (with hair).
What we are seeing now is a move of God that was very troubling even
to the early church, that is the ministry of St. Phillip to Samaria, and the Eunuch,
for it breaks not only the gentile barrier of language, custom, and tradition,
but challenges the class structure, and discrimination of modern society,
just like Jesus making a clear statement when He chose to based
His ministry on the outcasts. He could have set up in the powers to be, in the
spheres of political, business, and religious spaces, but he chosed the least.
Whilst we desire to transform the Kingdoms of this World, to the Kingdom of God,
in Transformation 2009, Jesus only set up camp in the most despised part of town.
Much like setting up base camp, next to a gay bar and sauna.
There is a new move of God, a new move of grace, that extends even beyond the roman gentiles,
but specifically to the Samaritans and the Eunuch - to the GLBT community. The whole cycle
now repeats its self again, from the micro events happening in Judea and Turkey, now happening at a macro scale world wide.
God's grace is really amazing.
* Wednesday, 20th November 2024*
The title of this post is not named after that K-Pop band that was in the
news for all the right and wrong reasons. (rig...
3 months ago
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