It is quite interesting that many claim that homosexuality is of a fallen nature because to me that it inconsistent, illogical and guilty by association. Therefore homosexuality
becomes a sin because of OUR associations with other forms of sins we deemed as fallen nature even though there is nothing linking them but only our associations. If homosexuality is
of a fallen nature, then
a) It should be specifically stated in the bible as such
b) Or, we in the same type as those the bible states as the result of the fall of Adam,
(pain at child birth, having to toil for work, death at 120)
c) Or, be the result of the eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
(law consciousness, self righteousness).
However, since our own heterosexuality or sexuality or sex we deemed as not of a fallen nature by itself, other motives comes in. eg it is because of the fallen nature, that the religious have an issue with gays.
One can be a fundamentalist - but on what basis - it is loving God, and loving others, loving the word of God, and believing it is God inspired revealing Christ within, our hope of Glory. True Christian fundamentalism demands that we do very little condemnation because the fundamentals of Christianity are
Grace NOT judgement
Mercy NOT revenge
Love NOT hatred
By yea Holy, for I am Holy says the Lord. We become unholy when our hands are raised against the weak and the outcasts of society who cannot defend for themselves, and whom the majority despised and rejected because they wear shades of pink and purple.
* Wednesday, 20th November 2024*
The title of this post is not named after that K-Pop band that was in the
news for all the right and wrong reasons. (rig...
3 months ago
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