Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What is your ending?

What is your ending?

The biblical story of our ending if we are truly believers of Jesus is that we need not perish into dust but be alive again in Jesus Christ. There is no end. A good eulogy or a bad one doesn’t define our ending.

In the entire scheme of things, the end is not some universal reconciliation between all mankind and God. Reconciliation is an invitation. Salvation is not within us, but is in our turning away from ourselves to Jesus Christ.

We long for Justice in the earth. At the end, there is an ultimate judgement, the Hebrew word, Misphat. Justice is not to make things right per say, but a verdict, a judgement of what is right and wrong on the foundation of God’s righteousness.

All of us have sinned. We see Jesus as love. But Jesus is also sin, at the Cross of Calvary. He bore, our verdict, our judgement, our justice, the harm that we did to one and all.

It is sad that some have made their god, the bible, whilst others, famous teachers such as Brian Mclaren quoting them as if they are the pontiff.  But even the princes of the church need to do penance.

For many, the talk about ending is presumptuous. They may have already been aborted in their mother’s womb in the name of reproductive justice. Their lives may already ended being born to a poor family, and in some countries due to die soon because of malnutrition and lack of medical services.

Christians can be a salt to a decaying world where the world actually belongs to Satan's kingdom as part of the Adamic fall. We make our own red dot, our own small kingdom where Jesus is Lord and Savior. That kingdom is not worldly but lies in our hearts, hence if we are indeed of Christ, we are joined together in one spirit to call our heavenly father, Abba.

We bring salt when we bring life to others, to alleviate their suffering and pain, to comfort the wounded, and to take care of the hungry. Whilst we are inclusive, we are reminded that our conenction with Jesus brings us peace, takes away our striving, takes away judgement, giving us freedom to be light and salt.

We err when treat our gospel as inclusivity for the gospel is salvation both on earth as it is in heaven. On earth, we are to bring hope to a god that loves them, and if it need be through empowerment, self-sufficiency, modern technology and health care. It is interlinked to an eternal salvation, grounded by the assurance of salvation in Christ.

There is no striving to be because there is no ending. Our place on earth is our part of our journey to bring to the light of Christ.

What is your ending? Let it be well with our soul. 

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